
Advances in Ecology (KZO/103)
WHEN: 1h a week; every semester
WHERE: University of South Bohemia, Department of Zoology.
LECTURED BY: jointly by Aleš Buček and Pável Matos Maraví.
ABOUT: A journal club platform for discussing latest papers on insect ecology and evolution. Each participant presents 1-2 research papers per semester. Do not hesitate to contact Aleš for more info if you are not sure whether the thematic scope of this journal club fits your research interest.

Bash Programming (KMB/934)
WHEN: 2h a week; in summer semester
WHERE: University of South Bohemia, Department of Molecular Biology.
LECTURED BY: Aleš Buček.
ABOUT: Learn essentials of working with Bash on local and remote Unix systems.
The course is a mix of interactive lectures and hands-on sessions. The students successfully completing the course will be able to: use command line to navigate with ease and confidence Unix-like environment; work with thousands of files, millions of lines of text, and gigabytes of data; write scripts and pipelines to automatize their work but importantly also determine when using an existing software package is more effective; harness the power of remote grid infrastructure (Metacentrum) - submit computationally demanding jobs, use hundreds of pre-installed tools. And more.